
Truth Be Told 54: Failure to Heed

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Past time

“Stavros isn’t who you think he is,” Xander was saying as he rushed about his modest home. He had been trying to convince Aeneas for two years that Stavros was planning a war upon Atlantis. This warning became even more urgent due to a recent discovery made by the eldest Dorian brother. He had head from a couple of reliable sailors that the piracy trade on Philander wasn’t only prospering but that it’s partakers were speaking of the annihilation of the Sirens. Their leader was a man of youth, though his name wasn’t amongst Xander’s knowledge.

“Stavros is a loyal friend and my teacher,” Aeneas’s voice was bland, muffled as it resonated within a golden bowl that sat on a wooden stool. “Just because you and him didn’t get on when you were a child doesn’t give you the right to accuse him of plotting against me. Accusing him of such treachery is like me accusing Ares of plotting against you. What if I told you that Ares was actually the one that turned you into the Caribbean police and not that demon friend of yours?”

“Codfish! Ares would never.”

“So you see my point?”

“No. Ares is nothing like Stavros. Ares is dorky, annoying, and my blood brother. Stavros is a treacherous conniving shark.” There was gurgling sound, as if Aeneas was drowning, and Xander dropped a fleck of dark powder into the golden bowl of water. “Listen, A, I’m losing you. I’ve got a deal to come through on and the guy it’s for is….”

“What was that?”

“I said that I’ve been employed by a…”

“I can’t hear you,” Aeneas voice was weak, distant, and Xander knew he only had a few seconds before the water message spell ended.

“I’ll contact you later…don’t let Stavros…”

There was an odd sound and the bowl of water began to bubble over.

“Holy Poseidon!” Xander yelled, darting for the bowl. He was quick to snatch the golden object from the stool and dump its contents out the window. A feminine screech was heard and he winced, ducking beneath the window so the now, no doubted drenched woman, wouldn’t see him. “Hades’ fire! Why  does this keep happening to me? I’ve got to choose my clients more wisely.”

Slumping against his wall beneath the window of his one room home, he looked at the mess strewn across his dwelling. This home was meant to be a temporary dwelling place. He hadn’t planned  on staying in it for two years. It was much too cramped for his liking and his magic stuff was scattered everywhere.  He didn’t even sleep on his bed anymore, for fear that his lost dagger was within its sheets…along with the cat head that had mysteriously disappeared two months before. There was no telling what was all hiding in those folds of fabric, it was much safer for him to sleep on the floor…by the window…which he knew to not be the general direction he had tossed the rather sharp letter opener a week ago.

“I’ve got to move,” he spoke more to himself. Lifting his hand, he closed his eyes and concentrated on the object he had been trying to locate when he had been speaking to his brother. To locate and move an object, without seeing it, was draining for him on a normal day but particularly exhausting on a day where he hadn’t sleep in seventy-two hours.  

A small glass bottle, flew out from beneath a stack of scrolls by the wooden door. Its top was plugged with a cork and a piece of string secured a label to it. Xander held the bottle in front of his face, peering in at the thin gold liquid within it. “So that’s where you were.”

Blackness over took him as he slumped forward. The bottle fell from his fingers and rolled under his bent leg.  

Present Time

Turquoise orbs snapped open. A half-breed sprang from the floor of his beloved’s apartment. He stood, staring down at the place he had just been sleeping. Sweat dotted his forehead and ran down his back. His throat was as dry as sandpaper, his tongue stiff and screaming for water.

Quickly, he made his way to the kitchen for the second time that night, where he downed four glasses of the salt-water combination. The drastic heat in the apartment was sucking the moisture from his body, he was sure he could feel salt in his sweat. It was gross and he was eager for it to end. It had been one day. One, single day, and he couldn’t bare the heat much longer. He praying to the gods that Switch hurried his hide back to Hartford.

He was about to make his way back to bed when he spotted the drapes covering the balcony doors. Switch said no one could leave, no windows or doors could be opened, but  Xander smirked as he found a loophole. Approaching  the doors, he peeked out the drapes to make sure it was dark before flinging them open. He leaned his forehead against the cool glass surface of the doors, watching as tiny flurries fell from the heavens. He hated the cold, detested it, but it was looking really inviting. In order to prevent himself from being tempted by the glistening snow, he maneuvered himself so he was seated with his back against the glass. His eyes were trained on the carpet at his feet.    

“Zandy?” a horse voice spoke from the start of the hall, calling Xander’s attention to it. He lifted his head, staring at the silver-blond haired girl. She looked as drained as he felt. Her hair was limp, her body being supported by the wall she leaned against.

“Come here,” he beckoned for her. “Sit against the glass. I’ll get you some water.”

She gave a weak nod before complying to his wishes. Her thin, tall form was covered by a tank top and a pair of shorts, which Eliza had leant to her. She waited, her shoulder blades pressed against the cool glass, for her brother to return from the kitchen. In his hands he held two glasses of water. He handed her the first, and watched as she gulped it down, before giving her the second and commanding a slower pace from her.

“I’m surprised mom and Ares aren’t up yet,” Ambrosia whispered as she sipped at her second glass of water. Her brother now sat beside her, the empty glass between them. “It’s hotter than Hades in here.”

Xander nodded, leaning his head back against the balcony doors. His eyes slipped closed and Ambrosia continued to sip at her drink. “Ares told me what Switch said. Do you think he can save Skye?”

“If anyone can, it’s him.”

“And what of afterwards?”

“What do you mean?”

“After Skye’s safe, what will you do? You aren’t planning on handing over the throne to Stavros…are you?”

“You know me well, little sister. What do you think I am going to do?”

“I don’t know. Sometimes I feel like I don’t know you at all. You’re unpredictable.”

“That was before. This is now. And now that I know the truth, I can’t stay here. I’m human, but I’m also Siren, and I hear Atlantis calling out for me. She needs me…and I need her. I can’t hand her over.”

“So you’ll return then? Take your rightful place amongst our ancestors.”

He nodded. “And try to keep up a long distance relationship.”

“With Eliza.”

Another nod and, “Yeah. We’re working thinks out. Giving our relationship another go.”

“Good. Poseidon knows there’d never be another for you. She’s your one.”

“My  αδελφή ψυχή. They say it’s a rare occurrence for one of our kind to find their αδελφή ψυχή, but mom would claim my father as hers, I have found mine, and a little birdie told me that you found yours.”

“Who told you that?” She asked astounded.

“Just someone. Is it true though?”

“You’ve seen me at the Reef. Have I ever acted as if I am bound to another soul?”

“The bond doesn’t take away your free will, and being soul mates with another siren is much easier than being it with another creature. Sirens are less loyal. Loyalty has never been expected amongst our kind, unless a vow was taken.”

“You speak as if you know who my soul mate would be.”

Lazily, he rolled his head to the right, his turquoise eyes locked with his sister’s identical ones. He reached up, pushing raven and red strands from in front of his eyes and off his forehead. “Just tell me the truth, Am. Are you and Ares bonded?”

“You would have known if we were,” her smile was small, meant to deceive, but her brother saw right through it. He had always be close to Ambrosia. She was one of few of Ondine’s children that understood him. So, it was no difficult task for him to see the wistfulness, the sad tone, of her smile.

“You want it to be so,” he stated matter of fact like. “Not surprising. You’ve always been fond of him. You use to follow him and I around like a lost puppy when you were little.”

A red tint made its way to the mermaid’s face. “I did not!”

“Did too.”

“Did not!”

“Did too. Did too.” He broke out in a grin.

“Did not! Did not!”

“Hush, little sister, you’ll wake Eliza.”

“Hmp,” she folded her arms and turned her red face away from her teasing brother. “Stop picking on me.”

A soft laugh came from him, not a chuckle, but a genuine laugh. “How long have you know he’s your αδελφή ψυχή?”

“A couple centuries,” she admitted shyly. “But he was your friend, your blood brother, and I thought he saw me as a sister so I never made a move. Until recently.”

“What happened recently?”

“He needed help with a spell. He wasn’t sure what would happen to him when he performed it, so he asked me to act as a monitor. He told me how to break the spell so if things got out of hand I could save him. It ended up going bad, he got burn…badly, and I stuck around to heal him. One thing led to another and…well, you know how our kind are.”

“Ew,” his face twisted in disgust. “I should kill him for this.”

“I consented.”

“I could have him tried. He broke a vow.”

“Then you’d be a hypocrite. You’ve broken more vows than him.”

A grunt of disapproval and acknowledgement of the truth in Ambrosia’s words was given. “So after….that…did you tell him about wanting to be bonded?”

She nodded. “He refused. He said nothing good ever comes of such bonds.”

“There’s more,” Xander pressed, hearing the sadness in her voice.

“He used mom and your dad as an example…and you and Eliza. He said your bonds were wasted and ours would be too.”

“That Mimic Octopus! How dare he throw those at you!”

She shrugged. “That’s Ares for you. Don’t kill him though. We’re okay now.”

“You don’t look okay.”

“Hm, I’ll get over it. Who knows, maybe when all this is over I can live on shore for awhile. Maybe I’ll find another guy.”

“That’s the thing about finding your αδελφή ψυχή, though. No other creature could ever match them. Whether they return your feelings or not, you are bound to them. Ritual done or not, you will still do whatever it takes to make them happy, to keep them safe. Sirens may not be known for their loyalty, but when it comes to our soul mates we are more loyal to them than our vows.”

“But you cheated on Eliza. How was that loyal?”

“Loyalty comes in many forms. That was the one I failed at,” he admitted sadly. “Strangely enough, that wasn’t why she left.”

“Why did she leave?”

“We lacked in communication skills.”

“Communication is key in any relationship.” The siblings looked up to see their mother standing in at the front of the hall. A robe was wrapped around her, and her silver-blond hair was damp with sweat.  As she approached her children, she remained silent. She knelt before them, reaching out to place a hand on each of their faces.”My babies, I am so proud of you two.”

“Thanks mom,” both siblings spoke at the same time.

“You lead two different paths, yet your hearts are so similar. So strong, so passionate, so human…just like your father’s.”

“You mean his father,” Ambrosia corrected.

“No, my child,” an old sorrow came to Ondine’s eyes. “Isadore and I had three children.”

“You mean…”Ambrosia’s brow frowned. She looked to her brother, who shared her expression of confusion, and then back to their mother. “Stavros isn’t my father?”

Ondine shook her head. “No. You and Xander are full siblings.”

“And you’re just now telling us this?!” Ambrosia exclaimed. “I’ve spent my entire life thinking that Stavros was my father, and now you tell me that my real father died when I was five?!”  

Eliza stirred at the siren’s yell. Xander threw her a glance, locking eyes with her before looking back to his sister and mother. He was slack jawed. This entire time, Ambrosia had been his full-sister.

“It all makes sense now,” Xander spoke. “Why I’ve always had a stronger connection to Am than with the rest.”

Ondine nodded. “I’m sorry for keeping this from you for so long, but it was for the best.”

“How was it for the best?” Ambrosia stood, her fists clenched and her jaw set. Her eyes were as dark as angry waves, their pupils blending in with the color of her irises. “How was not knowing my father the best?”

“I know this news is shocking, but I felt I must tell you. You’re old enough now, and your safety is no longer a reason to keep the truth from you.”

“My safety?” the girl scoffed. Her laugh had no amusement, only a dark ting. “That’s your excuse? What did you think would happen to me?!”

“What’s all this yelling?” Ares had entered the room. His violet eyes jumped over the sirens, taking in the situation, and landed on Ambrosia.

“Seriously. You could wake the dead,” Matt stated, looking less than pleased with the situation. “I should know. I am dead.”

“I can’t believe this,” Ambrosia’s voice was like ice water. “Of all the low things you’ve ever done, I never once thought you would lie to me about something as important as this.”

Ares’ eyes widened as a single crystal tear fell from the Princess’ eye. She shoved past her mother and brother, storming out of the room. Ares was the first to speak as she left. “I’ll go after her.”

Those gathered watched as the warlock followed the Princess down the hall. A few moments later they heard Ambrosia say, “Leave me alone! I don’t want to talk!”

A heavy sigh escaped the Lady’s lips. “I shall speak with her.”

The girl stormed back down the hall and into the living room, Ares on her tail. “Go away!”

“It isn’t Ares you’re angry at,” Ondine stood. “Don’t yell at him.”

Xander moved, going to sit next to Eliza on the blankets.

“What did I miss?” Eliza whispered so only Xander could hear.

“Ambrosia’s my full-sister.”

“She is your father’s?”

“I guess.”

“That explains a lot.”

“That’s what I said.”

“Your father and I didn’t want you to undergo the same treatment as Xander and Aeneas,” Ondine was attempting to explain. “We saw how Stavros treated them. How he played them off each other. We didn’t want to give him any reason to meddle in your life as well. Claiming he was your father was the safest route. He would never hurt his own child…or so I had thought,” she cast a look towards the hall and everyone knew she was thinking about Skye. “I underestimated him.”

“But Isadore, knew,” Ambrosia stated. “He knew I was his?”

“He knew, and he loved you. Just as he loved your brothers,” Ondine assured. “We were lucky with you. When Xander was born, his body wanted to be human. I had nightmares of him drowning in his sleep. But you an Aeneas, for you Siren was the form your body’s chose. It made keeping you safe easier. Aeneas as well. If he had shown to be more human, he would have been treated as Xander.”

“You knew that Stavros wasn’t to be trusted,” Xander spoke up, calling the attention of his mother away from his glaring sister, who’s nails were getting darker as they spoke. “Why didn’t you get rid of him.”

“He had too much power. I couldn’t exile him without a revolt,” the Lady clarified. “I knew you were right though, and I am thankful that you were able to see him for the hellhound he really is.”

“You should have sided with Zandy,” Ambrosia spoke slowly, her nails and eyes were gradually lightening. “When he brought Stavros to trail. Maybe none of this would have happened.”

“It wasn’t time yet,” Ondine stated. “Now, though….now it’s time.”

“And I’ll rid Atlantis of him,” Xander strongly informed. “I failed once, but I won’t this time. I’ll bypass the council if I have to. I have a few supporters of importance that should be able to aid my cause.”

Ambrosia turned to her brother, locking eyes and giving him a sweet sadistic smile. “Kill him.”

“Matthew,” Eliza went to stand. “Come help me in the kitchen.”

The fledgling gave no protest as he followed his sire into the kitchen. As she got glasses out of the cupboard, he went to the fridge and pulled out fruit and blood. They tried their hardest to busy themselves so that they wouldn’t be hearing the conversation taking place in the living room. However, the hearing of it couldn’t be helped.

“You think it’ll come to war?” Matt asked, as he grabbed a knife and started cutting an apple.

Eliza was working on four glasses of salt water and she gave a sigh when her fledgling spoke. “Unfortunately.”

A few seconds later Xander shuffled into the kitchen. He flopped down in a chair and Eliza handed him a glass of salt water. Matt continued cutting the apples as his Sire slid into the chair opposite of the half-breed.

“What is wrong?” she asked as he shook his head.

“Mom and Am are in your room talking. Ares went to check on Skye.”


“Yeah?” the knife the fledgling held stopped.

“Go check on Skye.”

“But he just said that…”


Taking the hint, the fledgling laid the knife down and left the kitchen.

“Now, what is wrong?” Eliza inquired of her half-breed once again.

“How idiotic can I be?” He asked.

“What do you mean? You are not idiotic.”

“I am. I should have killed Stavros years ago. I should have never left Atlantis. If I had only remembered…” he shook his head. “I have to go back. I have to take the throne and kill him. I’ll have to make changes to the government. The Council was never meant to be a permanent thing anyway.”

“I have complete faith that you can do it. You will save Atlantis.”

“I hope you’re right, Dear One. Promise me something?”


“Don’t let Caliban catch you. I’ve come up against him before, I just didn’t remember until Switch cleared the spell from my mind. He and Stavros worked together in the past. I remember the first time I heard of him, back in 1680. I was living in Cuba, in a one room home, and I didn’t think he would be the treat he was.”

Past Time

“Dorian!” the door of Xander’s single room home shook as the creature on the other side of it banged his fist against it. Xander had been dosing beneath the window when a roar of his name had woke him up.

Sluggishly, the siren-human stood. His legs cracked in protest and his back made a sickening sound as he stretched his arms above his head. He picked up the small bottle of gold liquid that lay at his feet and approached the door.


A splintering sound made Xander frown and call out, “If you break my door I’ll make you take a walk off the dock!”

Forcefully, the prince pulled the door open. He came face to face with an angry lycan. If it wasn’t for the fact that the half turned werewolf had the strength to rip his body in two, Xander would have laughed. The lycan had gotten himself in a predicament. Of course, Xander didn’t know the whole story, but supposedly the wolf had angered the wrong bar girl and had gotten himself stuck in partial transformation.    

Jet black hair spilled over the lycan’s shoulders, his nails were pointed, and dark fur was showing itself in patches along his arms. The trousers and shirt he wore hit the majority of his body, but he had gone shoeless due to the paws that were now his feet.
Xander held out the bottle, dangling it in front of the werewolf’s eyes. As the creature’s beady eyes followed the swing of the bottle, the half-breed smirked. “How nice of you to finally stop by. I was beginning to wonder if you would show up at all.”

There was no need for the client to know that Xander hadn’t particularly cared whether he showed up or not, was there? After all, he did have other connections he could get the information he needed from.

“Come on, Dorian,” the lycan spoke exasperatedly. “I couldn’t come any earlier. I had to wait until the town was asleep. I can’t be showing myself in this state.”

The lycan went to grab the bottle, but Xander pulled it out of his reach with a, “Uh, uh, uh. Payment first.”

The wolf growled. “Can’t I just pay in dracmas?”

“The name.”

“I could get killed for giving you his name. My alpha does business with him.”

“Perhaps you know someone else who can supply you with the phoenix tears you need then.” Xander went to close the door but was stopped by the lycan’s large hand.

“Wait! I’ll give you the name! Just give me the tears,” the lycan held out his hand.

“The name.”

“Caliban. The man who’s leading the pirates against your kind is called Caliban.”

Xander placed the bottle in the werewolf’s hand. “Pleasure doing business with you.” post is longer than I expected it to be. One of the longest yet, I believe.

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Disclaimer: Switch belongs to :iconflamian:
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